What is the price of the cmotion Cinefade VariND?

The cmotion Cinefade VariND costs €8,380 excluding tax, which includes the Motorised Polariser and the Static Polariser, as well as a hard case. To enable Cinefade mode it is necessary to pair the VariND with a cPRO lens control system, which starts at €5,680

Buying options including an LBUS Power cable, case and sets with the cmotion cPRO lens control system are available here.

The cmotion Cinefade VariND and cPRO kit

Hire Cinefade

The Cinefade system is also available to hire worldwide directly through us from our base in London or through our rental partners in Europe, North America and Asia.

The cmotion Cinefade VariND system is available to hire worldwide directly through Cinefade

The daily rental rate is usually £500+VAT with discounts offered for longer rental periods. The price includes all the equipment needed and we also offer a Cinefade Technician or Operator to service your production, depending on availability.

As inventors of Cinefade, it is our mission to enable DPs to experiment with this novel form of cinematic expression. It is therefore in our interest to offer discounted rates to qualifying low-budget productions and student filmmakers. Please feel free to get in touch to enquire about discounted daily rates.

cmotion Cinefade VariND